An analogy of our lives came up today. Christianity/our lives/relationships are like a garden..
First, there is the extremely hard tilling. This is the foundation of your walk/life. It is what mixes up the soil and gets everything ready to get started. It sucks sometimes and it hurts. The roots might be hard to get through, and it can seem like it is never ever going to end. It might take time getting used to, but the benefits are great.
Its the same in our lives. It stinks to get issues in your life uprooted and exposed. Everyone can see you; who you really are. When all of the deep issues and hidden things from your past get brought up, it is time to deal. Its like the garden. You've gotta get that stuff stirring and start dealing with it if you want any fruit. If you don't till, the rocky, sandy soil will not provide the nutrients for fruit and the weeds will choke out the life.
I'd rather be here, with God, with people, with myself (real self, broken self, exposed self) then any where else. It's hard and it hurts but man. . . IS IT WORTH IT.