Wednesday, December 30, 2009

nu yr

I am hoping for a new year of awareness and productivity.
this year was great.
next year will be better
in love

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


is it that little kids seem SO innocent. Whenever I meet a little girl or boy I just want to hug them and tell them that they are so loved and special. I love how beautiful they are.

Why don't I feel that way about everyone I meet? Or know? Or see all the time, but I just overlook them?

There were some cute, adorable little kids at the toys for tikes give away last weekend.
We gave out 1000 toys to children.So fun and so beautiful!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

save us

from ourselves
and from our culture
who tells us to buy the world
and have lives full of chaos and depression
just so we can just keep buying
and numbing

Saturday, December 5, 2009

holly jolly

its merry CHRISTmas time.

help us remember YOU in the everyday mundane Christmas hustle and bustle

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


They are flowering.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Everyday I wake up, I feel like a princess.
I really can not tell you why, other than I can feel the love of my Father.
I wake up in this beautiful house, in my own room and I am just so happy.
Not saying that I don't have those awful moments where I feel so insecure and out of place.
I've just learned how to walk through those, with God, with my friends, with my family.

Everything's changing. School is almost over for this semester. I would have never imagined that I'd be going to college a few years ago. I am so blessed and so thankful.

This is good.

Thank You God for knowing what is best for all of us and for allowing us to walk with you.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

protested for the rights of workers in immokalee florida today in front of publix today.
makes me thankful that i am in this country.

prayed for people who are going through divorce/troubles in their marragies.
makes me thankful that i was taken out of horrible places ive been at.

listened to conversations about justice and jail.
makes me thankful that im turned around.

so thankful.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

An analogy of our lives came up today. Christianity/our lives/relationships are like a garden..

First, there is the extremely hard tilling. This is the foundation of your walk/life. It is what mixes up the soil and gets everything ready to get started. It sucks sometimes and it hurts. The roots might be hard to get through, and it can seem like it is never ever going to end. It might take time getting used to, but the benefits are great.

Its the same in our lives. It stinks to get issues in your life uprooted and exposed. Everyone can see you; who you really are. When all of the deep issues and hidden things from your past get brought up, it is time to deal. Its like the garden. You've gotta get that stuff stirring and start dealing with it if you want any fruit. If you don't till, the rocky, sandy soil will not provide the nutrients for fruit and the weeds will choke out the life.

I'd rather be here, with God, with people, with myself (real self, broken self, exposed self) then any where else. It's hard and it hurts but man. . . IS IT WORTH IT.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

God's good.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's awesome to see people come back and trust in God right away.
Gives you a sense, and a kick in the right direction.
Encouragement brought on by those situations are the best ever.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Well, these past two days have been a bit challenging. Not challenging in a bad way, rather in a way that has made me really look at myself and what I am doing. I've spent the past few days at my house, which is not what I am used to, but I somehow become SO comfortable here (to the point that I think that I am always sick and have to lay down a lot. . that might not make sense, but it is what I've always done here; checked out, slept, made myself sick, ever since I was little). So, as I have been here it is like God is doing something in me. It's SO weird. I feel stronger when I get off the bed/couch and just get outside.

Someone was recently telling me about some revelation they got. About how we feed our bodies and ourselves, but seldom do we feed Christ. Like, every second I've been thinking about this. Does anyone know that I'm a Christian by the way I am living? I would say no. But man, I want Jesus to live in me and in the world.

This thing that is inside of me has the capability of changing this world for eternity.

Think about it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sorry for the inconvenience of a new blog. . again! Hackers or something. .

Anyway, I've been thinking. You cannot serve two masters. That's it. God or money, as Jesus talks about in the gospels, but I think it is more than that. "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." (Matt. 6:24) How do we serve God and then serve our flesh? I know that it is bound to happen, since we are humans, but I don't get it.

I've been talking to my Godly councilors. . I guess that is what you would call them, and they have explained a lot of this to me. We are tempted and have ways to get out. When we continually disobey, or fall into that hole, we become accustomed to it. It becomes a behavioral habit. It can start in the mind, with our thoughts, and then go forth into our actions, and then we are so used to the 'bad' place that we don't really even care anymore.

That's scary.